Serving Denver Metro And The Front Range Since 1982
Schedule Your Chimney Sweep Appointment
According to the most recent statistics from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, an average of 25,100 chimney fires are responsible for 30 deaths and $126.1 million in property damage on average each year.
Family Owned & Operated
Since 1982
Licensed, Bonded, Insured
When You Need An Experienced, Certified Chimney Sweep Call
Chimney Sweeps Of America
When It Comes to Chimney Safety, D-I-Y Can Spell Disaster!
The National Fire Protection Association and the Chimney Safety Institute of America both recommend that homeowners call a qualified professional for an annual chimney inspection. Only a qualified professional will be able to identify and resolve structural and maintenance issues before potential carbon monoxide intrusion and chimney fire hazards risk your time, health or money.
Does your home or commercial building have a pigeon problem?
Pigeon droppings cause excessive damage to property, buildings, automobiles, and machinery. The droppings deface and accelerate the destruction to buildings and can also kill vegetation. Pungent odor and aesthetic appearance is unpleasant to passing pedestrians and customers. Economic losses are significant, due to the need to clean droppings, repair damage, and to maintain safe working conditions. Feathers can plug ventilation units and can cause other associated problems including numerous health
At Chimney Sweeps of America we've been helping residents in Denver and all of Colorado deal with pigeon problems. We have the experience dealing with this problem with commercial buildings as well as pigeons that have chosen to invade individual homes in attics and chimneys.
Call us today to schedule your appointment so we can get started helping you with your pigeon problem.

Pigeons Make A Real Mess In Your Attic, Home Or Business
Pigeons Droppings On A
Commercial Roof
Pigeons Droppings In A Homeowner Attic
Pigeon Removal Services Denver, Colorado
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