Serving Denver Metro And The Front Range Since 1982
Schedule Your Chimney Sweep Appointment
According to the most recent statistics from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, an average of 25,100 chimney fires are responsible for 30 deaths and $126.1 million in property damage on average each year.
When It Comes to Chimney Safety, D-I-Y Can Spell Disaster!
The National Fire Protection Association and the Chimney Safety Institute of America both recommend that homeowners call a qualified professional for an annual chimney inspection. Only a qualified professional will be able to identify and resolve structural and maintenance issues before potential carbon monoxide intrusion and chimney fire hazards risk your time, health or money.
Family Owned & Operated
Since 1982
Licensed, Bonded, Insured
Certified Fireplace & Chimney Inspection Services Denver, Colorado
Fireplace and Chimney Inspections are the most important part of the job we provide our customers. Chimney Sweeps Of America here in Denver has Certified Chimney Inspectors on staff. Most if not all of our competitors here in Denver are not certified by the Chimney Safety Institute Of America.
Chimney or fireplace inspections are also known as condition reports, fireplace inspections, or inspection reports. A fireplace chimney inspection provides you with confirmation of whether or not your fireplace chimney was affected by last winters freeze thaw cycles - visual detection of age & use, wear & tear, which if not tended to, can cause costly fireplace chimney repairs or unsafe conditions.
- Code 211 of NFPA (Nation Fire Protection Association) recommends annual inspection of all chimneys, fireplaces, and vents.
- An inspection is required upon the sale or transfer of a property, per CSIA (Chimney Safety Institute of America).
- Each year unsafe fireplaces & chimneys cause significant numbers of injuries and deaths, and account for more than $200 million in property losses. Your fireplace & chimney system are an important part of your home heating system. Make fireplace & chimney examinations a regular part of your home maintenance schedule.
- For safe and efficient operation, your fireplace & chimneys should be inspected and serviced annually by one of our CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps. Our technician will verify that your fireplace & chimneys are free of obstruction and combustible deposits.
There are three levels of inspection; level 1, level 2, and level 3.
Level I Inspection - This inspection is recommended when your fireplace, chimney, and venting system are easily accessible and when you are planning to maintain its current use. In general, this level of inspection is performed in most homes. In a Level I inspection our CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep will verify that your fireplace & chimney structures are sound, free of obstructions, and combustible deposits, such as creosote.
Level II Inspection - The addition of a new home heating appliance or a change in the type of fuel you are burning requires a Level II inspection. This inspection level is also required upon the sale or transfer of a property or after an operating malfunction or external event that is likely to have caused damage to your fireplace & chimney. The scope of a Level II inspection includes that of the Level I inspection plus the inspection of accessible portions of your attics, crawl spaces and basements. It may also include a performance test such as a smoke test or a pressure test and possibly an interior fireplace & chimney video inspection if recommended by our CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep.
Level III Inspection - When a Level I or Level II inspection suggests a hidden hazard and the evaluation cannot be performed without access to concealed areas, a Level III inspection is recommended. This type of inspection confirms the proper construction and condition of concealed portions of your fireplace & chimney structure as well as its flue. Level III inspections are generally necessary when investigating an incident that has caused damage to the fireplace, chimney, building, or where a hazard is detected and suspected.
In doing our primary job of inspecting and sweeping fireplaces & chimneys, Chimney Sweeps Of America are CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps and we also function as on-the-job fire prevention specialists. We are constantly on the lookout for unsafe conditions that can cause home fires or threaten residents with dangerous or unhealthy indoor air quality

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